Worship Arts, Sarah Vaas

Hi, I'm Sarah. I first came to North Providence Church in 1988. It took 3 months, but I finally got saved. Shortly afterward, I began working as a receptionist at the church. In 1990, I became the church graphic artist, and then in 1992, I began leading worship with my husband, Andy, who married me in '93.

Some Basic Stuff - I was born at West Point in New York. My dad, who was an army officer, taught at the academy. My family moved frequently. We lived in Florida, Kansas, Virginia, England and Massachusetts. After I moved out of my parents home, I played in bands in the DC metro area, New York City, and RI until I was 29. Then I experienced God like I never had in my life and my whole life changed.

Birthdate - August 4

Education - Some community college experience in place of my senior year of high school and 9 months of secretarial school in Washington, DC. At that time I was 18 and it really wasn’t a good fit for me, so I quit. Mainly, a lot of what I do is self-taught.

Interests and Favorites

Places - Lower east side of Manhattan, especially in the fall at twilight when you first become aware of all the street and store lights.

Music - I mostly like music that causes me to become captivated by Christ. But I also appreciate any song with well thought out lyrics.

Books - “Spiritual Authority” by Watchman Nee / “Love Walked Among Us” by Paul E. Miller, and “The North Face of God” by Ken Gire

Sports team - Sad to say I have neither team loyalty nor interest

Movies - Secondhand Lions with Robert Duval and Michael Caine is pretty much my favorite.

Hobbies - Song writing, practicing guitar, learning more on how to make websites. If I had the time, horseback riding would be on the list.

Dislikes - Death and luke warm coffee

Odd Facts - I like things that are oddly funny, like eccentricities in people.

Worship Arts, Sarah Vaas

Hi, I'm Sarah. I first came to North Providence Church in 1988. It took 3 months, but I finally got saved. Shortly afterward, I began working as a receptionist at the church. In 1990, I became the church graphic artist, and then in 1992, I began leading worship with my husband, Andy, who married me in '93.

Some Basic Stuff - I was born at West Point in New York. My dad, who was an army officer, taught at the academy. My family moved frequently. We lived in Florida, Kansas, Virginia, England and Massachusetts. After I moved out of my parents home, I played in bands in the DC metro area, New York City, and RI until I was 29. Then I experienced God like I never had in my life and my whole life changed.

Birthdate - August 4

Education - Some community college experience in place of my senior year of high school and 9 months of secretarial school in Washington, DC. At that time I was 18 and it really wasn’t a good fit for me, so I quit. Mainly, a lot of what I do is self-taught.

Interests and Favorites

Places - Lower east side of Manhattan, especially in the fall at twilight when you first become aware of all the street and store lights.

Music - I mostly like music that causes me to become captivated by Christ. But I also appreciate any song with well thought out lyrics.

Books - “Spiritual Authority” by Watchman Nee / “Love Walked Among Us” by Paul E. Miller, and “The North Face of God” by Ken Gire

Sports team - Sad to say I have neither team loyalty nor interest

Movies - Secondhand Lions with Robert Duval and Michael Caine is pretty much my favorite.

Hobbies - Song writing, practicing guitar, learning more on how to make websites. If I had the time, horseback riding would be on the list.

Dislikes - Death and luke warm coffee

Odd Facts - I like things that are oddly funny, like eccentricities in people.

Contact - svaas@restorationchurchri.com



Lead Pastor:
Jason Fuentes

Associate Pastor

Associate Pastor:
Mike Caforio

Youth Pastor

Youth Pastor:
Kristen Addonizio

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant:
Melissa Welch

Children's Director

Children's Director:
Leah Taglianetti

Worship Arts

Worship Arts:
Sarah Vaas

Nursery Director

Nursery Director:
Felicia Morrobel


REZ Latino Campus

REZ Latino Campus:
Pastor Jessica Blandin


Steadfast Men Director:
Carl Cunningham


Fervent Women Director:
Diane Sierra

young adults

The Movement Young Adults Director:
Jaylon & Hailey Baker


Underground 101 Directors:
Pastor Anthony & Tenisha Pierre-Louis